Understanding Your Natal Chart: The Path to Self-Awareness and Harmony - Moonly Shop

Understanding Your Natal Chart: The Path to Self-Awareness and Harmony

Oli Moonly

According to Indian philosophy, the soul is constantly reborn and lives different lives. All its actions have certain consequences and make up the karma. According to the law of karma, everything that happens to us is a result of our past actions.

Karma manifests itself through thoughts, fears, desires, intentions which later develop into actions and choices that define our life. Sanchita karma is the sum of all actions ever taken. It has an unknown, shadow part that can’t be seen. It can show itself quite unexpectedly through our deep urges.

And there is a known part, Prarabdha-karma, that can be seen. This is the karma that is ready to be experienced in current reincarnation. There is also Kriyaman-karma, which is created as a result of our current actions and lays the foundation for the future and Agama-karma — what we are just planning to do.

The natal chart is an astrological tool for reading Prarabdha Karma. It reflects the position of the planets at the time of birth. Each planet has a certain energy and type of karma. They can be strong or weak in the chart. It depends on the degree, the position in the house and the sign of the zodiac, and the influence of other planets.

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Strong planets and houses show life spheres we worked on, made a lot of effort, and succeeded in past lives. In this life, one realizes their potential in such spheres easier and more naturally. Weak houses and afflicted planets show that in these spheres there were some negative actions that took place and disruptive behavior.

Astrological schools differ from each other. In Western astrology, the natal chart has the shape of a circle, whereas in Eastern one, it is a square. In Western astrology, the most important indicator is the Sun in the sign of the zodiac, while in Eastern one — the Moon. They use different calculations and reference points. In this article, we want to tell you about the natal chart of Eastern Jyotish astrology.

The natal chart shows our nature: who we have become as a result of our past incarnations, how we will show ourselves in different areas, and what we will have to face in life. The three main indicators of the chart, the core of the personality is based on, are the ascendant, the Moon, and the Sun. One also takes into account which house has the most planets — this sphere plays an important role in life.

It is also called the Rising sign or Lagna. This is the sign of the zodiac that rises in the east at the time of birth. It defines our “self” in the outside world — behavior, character, appearance, health, ways of interaction. The planet ruling the ascending sign is the owner of the horoscope, the ruler of the entire chart called Lagnesh. The energies of this planet will have the most significant influence on shaping one’s personality.

The Moon
Its position in the sign of the zodiac shows the inner part of the soul, the subtle astral body. It determines the psyche, mind, emotions, intuition, reactions to the outside world, and getting experience. Also, the Moon in the chart is an indicator of inner happiness at the time when the soul comes to earth.

The Sun
It shows identity, self-consciousness, ego, the ability to show oneself in the outside world and realize one’s potential.

To create a birth chart, you need to know the date, time, and place of your birth. Experienced astrologers specify the time with the help of important dates of life, which are always reflected in the chart: marriage, divorce, birth of children, moving, getting a job, illnesses, accidents. If one knows only the approximate time, like a 4-5-hour interval, it’s possible to restore the time of birth with the help of rectification.

You can soften your negative karma with the help of upayas which are ways to harmonize karma. These are different types of austerities: fasting on a certain day of the week, reading mantras, being involved with charity, stone and color therapy. Upayas cleanse the mind of karmic mental programs so that we can resist destructive impulses and act consciously.

It is favorable to make upayas for the planet, the period of which is current according to your chart, in order to resonate with its energy and improve its sphere of influence. Also, with the help of upayas, one can keep in contact with the ruling planet of the horoscope, especially if its position is weak.

In addition to the main natal chart, Rashi, there are divisional charts that cover certain areas of life in detail: profession, place of residence, marriage, children, travel, brothers, and sisters, and so on. The main divisional chart is called Navamsa. It describes the sphere of marriage but also helps to analyze the natal chart more deeply, showing its potential.

The natal chart is the key to understanding yourself. It helps us build our lives according to who we are, be attentive to our needs, use our strengths and not strive to do something that is not for us. In the chart, you can find answers to concerning questions and understand why certain events occur and how to successfully go through all the lessons so that they do not repeat themselves.

It also helps to predict events, trends, and give clues to different periods of life. With this tool, we are aware of the consequences of our past actions and can take responsibility for our present and future. We stop being victims of illusions, mind traps, automatic reactions, and start building our lives consciously.

For deeper work with your natal chart and better understanding of your personality, Moonly Tarot: Gold-Edged Deck with Guide is a perfect choice. This tarot deck helps you uncover paths for self-improvement and brings balance to your inner state.

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